Monday, January 30, 2012

Sometime in May

When you are married to a podiatry student strange things can happen. I give you example a.

I woke up one morning and this is how I found my foot:

Example b. When your daddy is a pod student and has pod student friends:

Things got really busy for Nate as he finished up his first year and we planned for our trip to the Dominican Republic. We chose our adventure on a whim, as we usually do, and bought the tickets before I had a passport and crossed our fingers that it would arrive in time.

The beginning of May was wild for us. Nate was finishing up his first year and in an effort to keep himself sane tried to sneak in some long runs. He completely won my little heart all over again when he came through the door covered in sweat and mud with a bouquet of flowers in one hand and ice cream in the other. I was just beaming imagining him running the last two miles through the streets of Oakland bearing gifts for his little wifey. What a man. 

Once finals were over we had a bbq with Nate's class in celebration. We were all more than ready for our summer off from the madness (oh, the madness!). Nate and I crammed that week preceding our trip to the D.R. up to the very last minute. We BBQed, did a maternity photo session, threw a carnival style baby shower, prepared a Mother's Day breakfast for 40 women, said hello to our tiny new (and prettiest I might add) neighbor, and then finally slung on our backpacking packs and set off for our 9hr flight to 16 glorious days in the Caribbean. 

Summer! Yes...summer.

With Nate's classmate and our neighbor Roberto (or Birdie, as I like to call him). And, grill master  & classmate Justin.

Classmate Jon and his wife Rachel. 

Nate and Athen throwing rocks  while I photographed momma Corene and the bump.

 The carnival style shower I threw for Corene.

 Nate holding sweet little Maggie for the first time (after me, of course!).  

1 comment:

  1. :o( Is there a way to make a sad teary eyed smiley face. oh how I miss O-town.
